
During 2016-2023 we have held workshops of inventive weaving in Estonia, Netherlands, Finland, Lithuania, Iceland, Sweden, Latvia

Estonian Academy of Arts, 2020
4-day workshop Weave Hackers. August 23-26, 2016, Tartu, Estonia

4-day workshop Weave Hackers
August 23-26, 2016
Tartu, Estonia

Supervisor: Kadi Pajupuu (docent, Textile art and design lecturer at Tartu Art College)
Target audience: weaving teachers, textile professionals
Number of participants: 12

During this workshop weaving teachers and textile professionals can get hands on experience with the loom-related inventions of Estonian textile artist and inventor Kadi Pajupuu. The tools to be used include also Stepping Reed and RailReed. We will be using inventive tools on 12 handlooms, among them 2 Toika computer looms. Looms are ready to weave; warp materials include wool, cotton, linen and paper. Participants are encouraged to share their experience in teaching the art of handweaving and show creative works that they and their students have made.